My goodness. Will is turning two on Friday. I can't believe it. It seems like yesterday that I was holding this brand new little squeaky baby trying to figure out how to get him to sleep on his back. Finally, I gave up on that and prayed that he wouldn't die because I let him sleep on his stomach. He didn't. He slept like a dream.
I can't believe my little baby is turning two. Last week we had a doctor's appointment, and he weighed 29 lbs and 7 ounces. Gary weighed 30 lbs on the dot. They are 17 months apart. Will measured 33 1/2 inches tall. I read somewhere once that you take a child's height on their 2nd birthday and double it, and you get their adult height. If that's true, then Will is going to be 5 ft 7 inches tall. He'll tower over both of his parents.
Bubba has been in speech therapy for 6 months now. We are getting more and more worried that he isn't talking. Today, though, he said "bubble" very cleary and only one time. We were blowing bubbles in the living room, and I guess I paused too long. He looked right at me and said "bubble". I tried and tried to get him to say it again, but he wouldn't. Still, I celebrated. He knew I was quite pleased.
Bubba's favorite activities right now include coloring (well, he likes holding onto the colors) and watching TV. That boy LOVES the TV. Gary was 18 months old before he would sit and watch anything at all. Will has been mesmerized by TV since the very beginning. And thank goodness for it! When he's being a nightmare about getting a diaper changed or getting his teeth brushed, all we have to do is turn on "Bob the Builder" or "Pocohontas" and he settles right down. Will also really loves to be in his swing outside. Sometimes he'll just climb up into it himself and sit there holding one of his big, chunky pieces of sidewalk chalk. He has it just in case he comes upon something that he might want to draw on.
Lately Will has really turned into a lover. He's always been very sweet, but these days he passes out the hugs to anyone who'll take one. He especially loves hugging his speech therapist, Joyce. He opens his arms really wide, lays his head on your shoulder, and squeezes tight. What's really sweet is you hear "ohhhhhh" while he's hugging you. Sometimes, we'll be sitting at the table eating dinner, and Bubba will just reach over for love, and if he can't reach you, he'll just lay his head on your hand or even on the table. If he can't love you directly, then he'll love something in close proximity to you. It doesn't matter if it's the table. He used to kiss, but he won't do that anymore.
Bubba, my sweet baby. I'm not ready for him to be a big boy yet. He needs to slow down.