"Huh? What? Something in my teeth? Where? Here? Did I get it?"
Friday, September 26, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Tonight Gary was running around and around the couch saying, "rec-tan-gle, rec-tan-gle". I'm always amazed by the random details and bits of information that manage to stick in his little head. He has to be told a dozen times not to throw matchbox cars or blow bubbles in his cereal bowl, but "rectangle" and "damn it!" he remembers.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Fun with the Sunday Paper
Gary's First Trip to the State Fair
Gary and I took Little Gary to the North Georgia State Fair today. Bubba stayed home with Ree Ree. He would have been too big of a handful, so he gets to wait until next year. Gary had so much fun feeding the animals and riding the rides. He loved driving the cars, so he did it three or four times. He also got to eat cotton candy for the first time, and he thought it was really cool.
The weather was gorgeous, so we enjoyed a comfortable day walking around taking in the sights. Next time we'll eat a funnel cake.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A Lesson in Manners
Tonight I was hanging out with Gary in Ree Ree's room while he was eating a popsicle and Mom was getting ready for bed. When he finished his purple popsicle I asked for a kiss. Well, my darling, sweet boy leaned over to kiss me and burped in my face. Then, of course, he giggled. I laughed and said, "You're supposed to say 'Excuse me' when you burp." So he blessed me. OK, maybe he's a little confused. Then he grinned really big and said, "I pooped on Ree Ree." I knew he meant to say that he "pooted" on Ree Ree (during a diaper change), so I corrected him. He just laughed and said, "Oh yeah, pooted." (giggle giggle) Boys. I know there's more to come. I had two big brothers. Joy! Somebody hide the cigarette lighters. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, consider yourself lucky. Those of you who are redneck enough to know exactly what I'm talking about, please let that little trick die with you. Let's spare the next generation.)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Baby Squirrel

Today Mom and Rick rescued a baby squirrel that was stranded in the middle of the street. They were on their way to Whole Foods for lunch, so Mom just tucked him into her shirt and took him in with her. He's a cute little fellow, probably 7 or 8 weeks old. Little Gary was thrilled to hold him and watch him suck from a bottle, and he just couldn't understand why the little guy wasn't eating the acorns he had given him. Rick has him at his house along with two cats and several dogs. I hope the little guy doesn't become someone's midnight snack. He is very sweet.
New Addiction
I just want to say, "I LOVE FACEBOOK.COM!" (Yes, I realize I'm shouting.) If you haven't discovered facebook, then you need to. You will connect with all sorts of people that you had forgotten ever existed. You'll also connect with people you've thought about 1000 times over the years. I'm totally addicted.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Little Gary's Photography
Gary Tries Steak and Likes it
By some miracle, Gary managed to convince Little Gary to try his steak. The trick was letting him cut it with a "big knife". Well, he liked it, but he couldn't manage to chew it well enough to swallow it. Once he'd chewed it until it was just a flavorless lump he spit it out.
This is a big step for a child who, until now, has refused to eat beef of any sort and only eats chicken once in a blue moon. If it weren't for milk and cheese, he'd get no protein at all. I promised him that if he liked it I'd cook him one every day. My mom told me I was going to regret that promise when he's 16 and demanding steak every day. I guess I'll worry about that when the time comes.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Don't you wish you could get some sweet, sweet Bubba love?
Will doesn't give kisses. Well, at least he won't kiss me. But today he was sitting in the recliner with me looking at my PARENTS magazine, and he kept kissing all the babies. I'd ask for a kiss and get a hug, but all the magazine babies got kisses. He gives excellent hugs though. When Bubba starts passing out the love, you just gotta get in line. It's some good stuff!
Double M's

Yesterday Gary woke up with a cold, or at least I thought it was a cold. It seems to have disappeared now. Anyway, he went with me to the store to stock up on supplies: Ibuprofen, Vick's Vapor Rub, Benadryl, etc. He saw M&M's in the check-out line and asked for some. He was calling them "M's". I just casually told him that I would get him some M&M's--didn't want to be too obvious about correcting him. I was just hoping that he'd pick up on it. Well, he ate about half the bag, and I put the rest in my pocket. After I got him buckled into his car seat he told me he wanted his "double M's". It's so funny the things kids come up with. I was pretty impressed, though, because I don't remember explaining what "double" meant or even using the word. I don't know what's so tough about saying "M&M's". Maybe he just likes being unique.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I can't believe we haven't been to the ER yet. Just today Gary clobbered Bubba on the head with a big, wooden train and made a big knot rise up. Then he hit him in the leg with a piece of scrap wood that they play with in the sandbox. Then they were playing with a long piece of 3 inch PVC and Gary managed somehow to bust his lip and make it bleed. Then I turn around and see Will biting into a big chunk of dog crap, despite the fact that I had spent 10 minutes canvassing the yard picking it all up as I do everyday before playtime. Guess I missed some. Oh, I forgot to mention the bucketful of sand that Bubba swallowed. He's going to have a diaper rash for a week after all the butt exfoliating treatments he's going to be getting every time he fills his diaper. Oh, Lord, deliver me!
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