In our house, word approximations count as words. After big brother was sent off to bed for repeatedly trying to kill Will, we were sharing (I wasn't really getting much) a bowl of vanilla ice cream. It dawned on me that Will kept saying "bi-" and then opening his mouth. He was trying to say "bite"! Yeah! He did it consistently. I'd hold out a spoon of ice cream and wait, and he would finally say it. Then I'd say, "OK, you can have a bite. Here you go." He was digging this communication thing. I could just see it on his face. He was getting his point across with a word (well, almost a word).
Will is 28 1/2 months old, and we think we've heard Mama and Dada on occasion. Of course, that may just be wishful thinking. That's it. Asking for a bite over and over and over again with the same word approximation is progress in this house. Hot dog! When he learns to say "No!" and "Mine!" to his brother, I think I may just have to sit down and do the ugly cry, as Oprah says. I know we'll get there one day. That day can't here soon enough.