Thursday, December 27, 2007

Bedtime Blues

Bedtime and nap time at our house have been terrible for the past week. Up until then we could read a few books to the boys, put them in their beds, kiss them good night and walk out. They would play in their cribs and laugh and act silly until they would finally settle down and go to sleep. Well, Gary went to Louisiana for a week and a half with his grandmother where he got rocked to sleep for naps and went to bed with her at night. In short, he got spoiled. His homecoming gift to his little brother was a nasty cold. So, between Gary's new need for companionship while he drifts off into dreamland and Will's misery and snotty nose neither one wants to go to sleep the easy way. For the past week, Gary and I have been lying on the floor next to their cribs until they go to sleep. It works, but it takes a huge chunk out of our time to ourselves. Sometimes it takes an hour or longer for them to go to sleep. Ugh!

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