Man, was the Easter Bunny generous this year! The boys got stuffed animals, puzzles, books, Bob the Builder machines, Thomas trains and lots and lots of candy. Gary had tons of fun making his little plastic eggs "hack" (hatch), and Will entertained himself for a long time trying to refill them. Of course, having a breakfast of chocolate and Peeps was the very best part of Easter.
It was so much fun shopping for the stuff that went into their baskets and putting them together last night. It felt like Christmas all over

We didn't have any company, so there were no big meals cooked. The day was low-key and low-stress. We just played and made a big mess of the living room and took naps and ate chocolate. Great day! Even though he took a nice nap, Will was so sleepy by 6:30 that just the mere mention of bed sent him running for the gate at the bottom of the stairs. He was practically begging to be put into his crib. Poor guy rubbed his eyes the whole time he was getting his diaper changed and his pj's on. Gary, who hadn't eaten a real meal all day, decided at 7:00 that he wanted some of Dada's cereal (Lucky Charms) and some strawberries. He stayed up a little longer tonight eating and watching one last episode of "Bob the Builder" before heading upstairs for story time. His current favorite library books are "Dinosaur Train" and "Get to Work Trucks!" His new words today are "bar", as in candy bar (go figure), and "stop".
I wonder if they'll wake up tomorrow thinking they get to eat chocolate eggs and M&M's for breakfast again.
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