Monday, November 24, 2008

William Everett

Just wanted to share some cute pictures of Will sporting orange, his best color. He's trying so hard to talk, but we're not there yet. Sometimes we hear what we hope and want to believe is Mama and Dada (or Daddy). I've heard "ball" a few times--I think. Tonight he was playing with the telephone handset that's on the fax machine, and it sounded like he was saying "Hey". I told him to say, "Hey Ree Ree!", and I swear it sounded like he said "crazy". You know, come to think about it, the kid may be talking after all. (Sorry, Ree Ree!)

Anyway, he's beautiful and funny and full of life and energy, and he's so loving. He's perfect even if he never talks. His brother even loves him most of the time, as long as he stays away from his toys

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